The three Villages and the Town of Warwick with the help of Community 2000 have been working together on a Town-wide Visioning. The next step will be the community Voices Workshop which is a facilitated gathering of information relevant to the specific municipal entity. This is a moment we can meet as a community and help shape the shared vision for our Villages and Town. There will be four meetings in the next few weeks. The first meeting is specifically for the Village of Warwick which will be this Monday Nov. 13th 7:00 – 9:00 pm at the Warwick Middle School Cafeteria, 225 West St. This workshop is open to all Village Residence and I urge you to bring a neighbor – the value of this workshop is the diversity of ideas so please pass this invitation on. We live in a remarkable Village and this is an opportunity to help create a vision for the future.
For more information please visit or their face book page
I’m looking forward to the Workshop and I hope to see you there!
Very truly,
Mayor Newhard
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”